January 20, 2009

tie a string around my finger, maybe then i will remember

A few years ago I had to stop watching crime dramas. The episodes that depicted children hurting or parents losing a child were simply too heart wrenching--after an episode would end, my arms would ache to hold my boys, who were always sleeping in their beds by then. It always took everything I had not to sneak in their rooms and lift them out of their beds and rock them. I would have horrible nightmares those nights, too so I quit watching. But it's not just crime dramas that make me feel like that. I remember sobbing when Izzy lay in bed with Denny who had just died (Greys Anatomy) and just yesterday, while watching last weeks epi of Private Practice I could hardly hold back the tears when a dad had to decide to either expose himself to a fatal bacterial infection so he could be with his 9 year old daughter while she died or to let her die by herself so he could be alive for his 2 year old son. Excruciating.

It's not just fictional TV shows that make me stop and think about how blessed I am to have my husband and my children with me. Back in July, when I heard of Randy Pausch's passing I spent a day or two being intensely grateful for them and our days together. But then, as it always happens, life's daily struggles and stresses took over and I went back to taking them for granted, forgetting to give them their extra squeezes, a softer scold, a wink to say 'I love you.' It just happens, I suppose and I'm not the only mother who is guilty of this, I am sure. But today, I return to introspection. This morning we got news that Marc's cousin lost one of her 4 year old twin boys to a very sudden illness. I don't know if this hits harder because 1. I know Mindy and her husband and 2. I have a four year old but regardless, I ache. Life is so. so. so. fragile. For everyone. We simply can not afford to take it for granted. We can not take any one in our life for granted. I am reminded of something that Howard W. Hunter, (14th President of my Church) said in his Christmas devotional fourteen years ago. I was fourteen; it was profound and touching to me then and it is profound and touching to me now:

". . .mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a letter. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed. Keep a promise. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Apologize. Try to understand. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude. Welcome a stranger. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love and then speak it again. . ."

I don't want to forget this lesson again--I always seem to forget so if you see me with a string around my finger, I am simply trying to remember it this time.


Price Family Adventures!!! said...

Thanks for this blog, I really need the reminder too. I love what Howard W. Hunter said.

Julie said...

We all need this reminder. Thank you. I love that quote by Pres Hunter too. We have it up every Christmas. Maybe I should have it up all year long.

Natalie N said...

Oh... Talk about heartache. I will go snuggle my kids one last time before I go to bed tonight. Thanks for the reminder of just how delicate life is. That is a great quote.

Colorado Smarts said...

That is a great quote by President Hunter. My heart aches for your family members. All of this makes me want to snuggle my family even more today.

Jennifer said...

Thank you, Diana. Your words were beautiful. I really needed to hear them today.

Britney said...

Diana, I think you know who I am, but I am not sure. You probably aren't really interested but I just wanted you to know...I came upon your blog through Anneli N. and I must say that from the first time that I read it, I was hooked. I love reading what you have to say. You write with such passion, and zest for life, and it is so inspiring. It doesn't hurt that you are a great writer on top of that too :) Your family is beautiful! Thanks again for all of your thoughts, the string around your a finger is a perfect way to remember the blessings that we have been given.

R A C H A E L said...

Great post. I love that quote. Can't believe I haven't heard that one!