January 24, 2009


Marc tells me all the time to "Relax." Somehow, I'm not really sure how to relax. I stress about everything and it's REALLY hard for me to go with the flow. The tension in my shoulders is proof enough. A friend of mine, who teaches yoga, says she can spot "type A" personalities everywhere because she is one and that yoga really does help. I've tried yoga three times and haven't been able to get past it's hoakiness--you know the spiritual side, because I have a time and place for that on my own and it doesn't fit into my exercise, usually, but she convinced me to try again--a class she was subbing yesterday.

I went with a totally open mind and I really did enjoy it. At the end of the class, we were laying (I'm sorry Mr. Grammar 329 prof. I can't remember the laying/lying rule) on our back, palms open to the sky, breathing and all I could do was think about:

  • calling Cindy to collaborate for our first two Primary activities
  • cleaning the bathrooms including shower and tub, possibly while talking to Cindy
  • baking my Asian chicken and making some soup so I don't have to cook for a few days.
  • finding a way to be happy in my own skin

So much for relaxing! I'll try again next week.


Saquel25 said...

I don't think I'm type A as such but I definitely have a similar problem with turning off my brain especially at night. I read every night and that helps a lot. I can imagine my thoughts running along similar lines if I was trying to meditate/do yoga. I think MP3 players definitely have their place!

Berly said...

Keep trying - I love yoga, but it is hard to turn your brain off. I think it takes alot of practice. i am still in the process of trying to turn it off and just relax when I do yoga, but even if I can't - it is nice to just ly there and do nothing, for once.

Anonymous said...

oh the joy of laying on a floor without a kid jumping on my flabby abs - that's my kind of yoga class. pat yourself on the back for going - you deserve whatever you personally can get out of it!

Colorado Smarts said...

Sounds all too familiar!

Danielle Lindorf said...

Well put. I still have a hard time getting into the yoga/pilates, thing. When I exercise, I want to move my body!

Natalie N said...

You are so funny. This was a great post. I can totally relate--I have a hard time sitting still when I know there are many more pressing things to be taking care of!

Have you ever posted your Asian Chicken recipe? If you're willing to share, I'd love to try something new! When I read that you were going to cook that, it piqued my interest. Please share! :)