July 25, 2008

So tell that someone that you love, just what you're thinking of, if tomorrow never comes

A few months ago a story about Randy Pausch on TV caught my eye. He's the computer scientist/professor/husband/father who performed then published The Last Lecture after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2006. After seeing his story once, it seemed he was making his rounds on all the shows--I saw or heard his story day after day. To some, his story having been made very public, he might be overrated because certainly his situation is not unique. Many mothers and fathers with young kids are diagnosed with a terminal form of cancer daily; they fight the battle, and the disease takes it's toll and eventually these mothers and fathers pass away leaving their children to miss them forever. It's a thought I simply can't bear to think. But, I think Mr. Pausch is unique--instead of living only to himself and his family during his last years of life, he spent his time inspiring the rest of the world to live today more fully than yesterday, reminding us what is precious in life. When I saw the headline this morning that Randy Pausch passed away today, I couldn't (and still can't) help but ache for his family. They are strangers to me, yes, but their reality is one that I don't know if I could bear to live myself. So, today, because who knows what tomorrow brings, I hugged my kids tighter, sat with Anderson while he colored and pretended to spell his name, lay next to Carter and read to him from The Friend, then let both boys help me make rolls. What are you doing with your little ones and loved ones today?

(I hope to read Pausch's book soon, but I've been on a reading freeze lately as my days have been consumed by Primary, Primary, and wait, more Primary!)


Jennifer Hepworth said...

I was also touched by his story and had read his book a couple weeks ago. When I heard the news that he had died, I couldn't help but shed some tears. I felt like I had come to know him through hearing his story and reading his book. I too grieve for his wife and young children. I hope they find some comfort in the legacy that he left behind.

Misty said...

thanks for that great reminder, Diana. I needed it.

Natalie N said...

Great thoughts, Di. I needed this reminder...