January 15, 2009

I heart. . .

  • Sonic Happy Hour 1/2 price drinks!
  • Girl Scout cookie season (just ordered 7 boxes. I don't think that's going to be enough!)
  • that the nurses were all loving on Anderson this morning when he got tubes in his ears. (It's always nice when someone else adores your child almost as much as you do.)


Anne said...

Hey, I had a question for you. I know you like to run- do you run outside in the winter? If you do, I had a couple more questions, if you don't mind :)

foreveryoung said...

I heart $1.50 Sonic Wacky Pack Wednesdays even more!

Natalie N said...

Hey you! We don't have Sonic out here, but when I was in Texas for a few weeks back in Oct, we took full advantage of Happy Hour! I agree, it is the best.

I hope Anderson is doing okay with the tubes in his ears. Glad that the nursers were so sweet with him. You seem pretty relaxed about the procedure. Sounds like things were fine.

Colorado Smarts said...

I agree totally with your first 2 loves and I hope that Anderson does all right with his tubes..no fun!

Also, loved your last post about patience. Totally agree, but learned not to pray for it or you'll have one of those "Mom Days" that you wonder what you did wrong to have both kids wake up SO grumpy, then you remember you prayed for patience!

Julie said...

tubes?! what?
I hope Anderson is doing well. I'm sure it will help him.
And of course everyone thinks your kids are way cute.