August 24, 2008

Hello, My Name is Trouble

Carter left the hand soap on the edge of the counter after washing one day last week. Here's how I found Anderson later that day--trying to bathe himself and wash his hair. I told Marc later that night about it and he grinned and stated what we've known for quite some time. "I guess we got a different one this time around."

Anderson turns two in three weeks. This title might become a regular one as I chronicle the trouble he gets his curious self into. (I know-- you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition!) You can read about a previous escapade here!


Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't sticky toothpaste huh?!?! I can't wait to hear more stories over the years cause' I know they are coming!!!

foreveryoung said...

Atleast he's got good hygene, right? It's so funny how two kids from the same gene pool can have such different personalities!