October 10, 2007

Hello, My Name is Trouble

You've seen that little boys t-shirt at Target, right? The navy one that has a silk screen name tag that you might wear at a convention or a corporate mixer on it and in the space for the name there's the word "trouble." Well, Marc and I don't necessarily believe in buying those for our children because we think it's tagging the child in a negative way, but today I want to run out and buy it for Anderson. I won't, but I really, really want to. This second child of ours has always been a little more demanding of us--he didn't sleep through the night regularly until he was 9 months old, whereas Carter was 2 months. He isn't an errand runner-1 hour or 2 stores max. A few months ago he started this whole arching his back and crying loudly if he didn't get his way--Carter doesn't even do that now. He's successfully climbed out of his straps in the stroller once, but he's tried countless times. And you guessed it, Carter never did that either. (Maybe it was the extended hours in the jogger he spent the summer we trained for a marathon that made him a stroller-patient child!) Anderson's a handful to say the least. And what really makes me want to run out and buy the shirt are his TWO toilet brigades in the space of an hour last night. The first--I went into my bathroom, lifted up the seat, only to find a toy tiger laying at the bottom in the water. Nice. Of course Marc was busy and wouldn't come dig it out so I enlisted Carter to do it and he did, willingly. Then less than an hour later I was vegging on the couch fighting the flu bug that I'd had for two days while Marc was helping a friend get organized to apply to a grad program. Anderson was really quiet so I went to check on him. He was in the boys' bathroom causing no trouble, just digging around in the harmless stuff I have underneath the vanity, BUT his clothing was wet and the toilet seat was up. I put two and two together after the tiger incident. From now on we'll make it as difficult for him as possible--put the toilet seat down and shut the bathroom doors. The problem is we know he can open the doors by himself (we have door handles, not knobs) and if he can do that, he can probably get the seat up by himself, too. So, don't be fooled by his innocent face. He is, as the t shirt says, TROUBLE!


Danette said...

Love it-- those second children... is that onesie he's wearing one we pass back and forth or is it yours? If it's yours, we have the same one somewhere... funny.

Rohm Family said...

oh my gosh- look at those big blue eyes, how could you even be mad at him :)

Diana said...

pretty much wes, I never stay mad at this boy. I just kiss his cheeks and swipe my finger down the slope of his nose and stare at him as much as possible--i know that sounds weird but i love his nose, too.