August 22, 2008

At last. . .

Here are my favorite photos from our annual Utah/Idaho vacation: {My sister's three boys stair step with mine--5,4,3,2 and not pictured is her 10 month old.}

{Carter followed this nephew of ours around for 3 whole days. Isn't his hair AWESOME?!}

{We bowled at the bowling alley in the Wilkinson Center at BYU--it was my first time bowling there even though I went to BYU for 5 years and it was Carter's first time bowling ever.}

{Carter surprised us all by wanting to go down the water slides at Lava's public pool. He went down a million times.}

{We always feed the horse in Grandma & Grandpa's backyard. He only likes grass, not carrots!}

{Just a cute shot of my baby.}

{Anderson means business at Bear Lake. See the dirt around his mouth? He ate muddy sand (for the first time in his life--he's almost two, aren't we past that stage?) and it made a ring around his mouth similar to Joker's scars.}


Natalie N said...

Great pictures! Looks like you had a fun vacation. I think it's awesome that you & Danette have 5 boys between you. Unreal! That picture of the cousins together is priceless.

wackywilsons said...

Those are great pics!!! Your boys are "all boy" from the mud to the horse to the water slide.... love it!

You back to running then? I am sure you have enjoyed watching the Olympics with all the track and field motivating for sure.

Why are off of sugar now?