August 25, 2008

first day of school! wake up! come on. first day of school.

When do kids start hating school? I'm just wondering because mine doesn't right now and I'd like to keep it that way. In fact, last Thursday night, Carter was pouting at bedtime, but as soon as I told him that when we woke up Friday morning, we'd be going to his preschool open house, he jumped right into bed and we didn't hear another peep. Today was his official first day and he was so excited to learn about the letter A and the number 1. As hard as I tried to coax him into letting me take a picture of him in Miss Amy's driveway, he wouldn't have it and rather than make him upset, I just didn't take the traditional first day of school picture. So, we'll just have to use the one from last year, since he's going to the same place this year, too. Last year, when I'd pick him up from school, I couldn't for the life of me get him to tell me what they'd learned but today he ripped open his backpack and said, "Let me show you." He pulled out two worksheets and a foam model airplane. I love that he loves school--and running four errands with one child wasn't too bad for me either!


Natalie N said...

Cute little man! That's great that he liked it so much. Hopefully that lasts a few more years? :)

daveanddebbie said...

That is awesome that he is so excited about preschool. I heard he's going to be quite the lady's man in his class with all those girls. No wonder he likes going to school!

wackywilsons said...

I thought that was your house in the background...with the pretty stacked stone! When will you post pics of YOUR house!

Wes starts preschool next week, I only wish it was longer so he could have even more fun...b/c preschool truly is a toddlers favorite activity:)

Jen and Kent said...

We're so glad Carter is in Claire's preschool class. It takes a strong boy to handle all those girls!!! He's adorable!!!

Berly said...

How fun for him with all those girls. Lucky, lucky guy. I loved Miss A's preschool. She is great!!