January 09, 2012


My Relief Society president asked me a few weeks ago if I was able to find joy in my life. Yes, of course I can. And it usually comes in one of four forms: Carter, Anderson, Christian or Ella. It's funny how our children can be the source of so much joy and on the other hand bring us some of our darkest moments, too. Don't you think? Here are some recent highlights:

Literally minutes ago, Carter stepped through the front door and announced he has a new kid in his class: Matthew from San Antonio. In his very next breath he said he had already asked the new kid if he had ever been to a Spurs game. Sometimes his passion for basketball drives me crazy like when he tirelessly writes out every. single. team on a piece of paper daily and then leaves said paper in some random spot throughout the house. I find them everywhere. I say tirelessly because I asked him yesterday if he ever gets bored or tired of writing out the teams. Nope. I'm not sure what purpose it serves but on the bright side, he's practicing his writing, right? Love that boy of mine.

Two days after Christmas, Anderson was mad at me. He had been in time out for breaking one of Christian's new toys. And he wasn't allowed to eat lunch until he talked to me about that incident but he had moved to the table anyway. When I told him his choices were between talking to me and eating or sitting in time out longer until he was ready for a chat, he got really worked up and ended up hitting me when I tried to remove him from the table. I sent him directly to his room and told him to come talk to me when he was ready. It took him a while but he approached me in my bedroom a little later. We plopped on the bed, had a good chat and he ran off to play. I commenced with cleaning up the basement a little and came across his brand new Christmas present broken to pieces, and in some places shreds. I went from calm and loving to raging in 2 seconds flat. Seriously. He spent the rest of the day in his bed and lost all of his stuffed animals including his brand new pillow pet and 2 angry birds. He was devastated! This animal lover of mine had a serious broken heart but I wasn't going to relent so easily. Being a parent was hard that day. He has since begun the long process of doing any chore when asked without question. If he does this he can earn each gift back by the end of the month--1 per week. Last week he got his pillow pet back and he's currently working on one of the angry birds. Next the cage and then the last angry bird. I feel like we successfully navigated that difficult situation and I'm hoping he won't be so destructive in the future. There's almost nothing I tolerate less than destructive behavior. This mama has 0-patience for that sort of thing.

Christian is the funniest 20 month old I know (but I should qualify that and say he's the only one I'm around much!) On Christmas Eve as the boys, my in laws, Marc and I toasted over our dinner of clam chowder and rolls, Christian learned to toast as well, with his sippy cup full of milk. As we went around the table giving thanks Christian would not be left out--he wasn't satisfied until everyone had clinked his cup, too. And I wish I had a picture of his satisfied grin each time.

On Saturday night we mopped the floor (why does that always come up in my blog posts?) as a family. We had finished the living room and moved into the kitchen when we noticed that Christian had grabbed a drying rag and joined the big boys in drying behind Marc's mopping and my rinsing. Seriously, he does the cutest things EVER!

I spent a lot of time in the kitchen today. On my list of things to make was a batch of baby food for Ella. I know I mentioned it last year but I gain so much satisfaction from making her food. Especially now that I don't nurse her anymore. Today's batch was a recipe of potatoes and spinach. When I tasted it, it made me think of scalloped potatoes. All I have to say is girlfriend better like it...we have to balance out all the squash and sweet potatoes that are giving her that baby orange glow.

And even though this has nothing to do with the children, one of the brightest spots of my day was this morning at 5 am when in the dim light of the bathroom I stepped on the scale before heading to the gym. And the number said I'm down 3-4 pounds. Woot!


Colleen said...

This is what blogging is all about, capturing those little moments, good and bad! I have zero tolerance for destruction too and also loved making my baby food. It tastes SO much better doesn't it?? Great stories all!

foreveryoung said...

The good, the bad and the ugly, love this post. It's the little things that can drive us crazy and yet make our job as a mom so rewarding.

wackywilsons said...

Great highlights for sure! Way to go on the baby food idea, and losing weight too :)