December 17, 2011


***Interrupting my current blog hiatus to report the boys' latest escapade***

Today was a little crazy; the older boys who are typically pretty well behaved...above average for their age, I would say...were not that great. Was it overstimulation because of a completely booked Saturday? Was it because they are so excited to have nearly 3 weeks off of school for the holidays? I don't know! They just wouldn't listen to any instruction or direction from Marc or me. At one point in the evening Marc sat them down on Ella's blanket and told them in frustration that everything he was saying was going "in one ear and out the other." Not moments later Carter told us that something we said had finally gone in one ear and stayed. And we thought the humor would end there. Nope.

At around 9:45, after they had been tucked into their beds in their basement bedroom for almost 2 hours, Marc and I finished watching the latest episode of The Mentalist. Marc noticed the red light on our DVR box indicating something was recording on the TV in the basement. Curious, we checked to see what was being recorded. Sports Center. But then Marc noticed that Wild Kratts was playing downstairs, too. Hmmmmm.

I snuck downstairs to see if in fact the boys were up. I snuck back upstairs giggling. Yep, the TV was on. I didn't know if I could handle this without laughing but Marc was busy doing paperwork he's behind on for work so I snuck back down and watched the boys for a few minutes. They had no idea I was watching them.

Me: Do you know what time it is?

Them: No.

Me: You are in so much trouble (stiffling a laugh). Go upstairs and see your dad. Let's go...March!

Once upstairs, I wondered what Marc would do. He was so calm. Here are the highlights:

Marc: Why aren't you in bed like you are supposed to be.

After a bunch of I don't knows:

Anderson: I wasn't tired.

Carter: It was Anderson's idea. He wanted to watch cartoons and went out first but after a few minutes I did too. I didn't want him to be alone.

Me: You didn't want your brother to get in trouble by himself?

Carter: Yah.

Marc: (at Anderson)Why didn't you just come talk to us?

Carter: He was being a problem solver!

After a few outbursts of laughter, Marc gave them high 5s for being problem solvers and sent them back downstairs to continue to be problem solvers since Anderson "still wasn't tired." Cool dad, yes? Well, punishment comes in tomorrow.


Colleen said...

Ah yes, the draw of Wild boys love it too! I don't think I could have handled that any differently! What clever boys!

Whiting Clan said...

Love it! Love it!

Natalie N said...

Oh my word. What a CUTE story! Go Marc! :)