November 06, 2010

Odds and Ends

Last night started out a good night, even though Marc was at his *cross your fingers* last football game of the season. I tucked Christian into bed, the boys and I played a game of cootie and ordered pizza, and while they were tucked into their sleeping bags watching Astroboy, I sat on my bed folding the last bits of Tuesday's clean laundry. *I hope someone else does that too--fold the remaining clean laundry in the baskets right before it's time to do more laundry!* The peaceful quiet of satisfied children was disturbed by crashing glass. I raced downstairs, the boys had jumped up from their sleeping bags while I *sadly* accused them of having done something but once I was fully downstairs I could clearly see that they hadn't been messing with anything. I assessed all of our *pathetically out of date* chandeliers to find they were all intact. Then I saw shards of glass littered across the front of my living room and as I walked closer, I found a rock laying on the floor. Someone threw a rock through our window and then disappeared into the night. Thank you, stranger for disturbing my weekend. Why couldn't it have been one of my *pathetically out of date* chandeliers?

The window is patched for now and we'll get a replacement pane in a few days, just in time for snow.

Oh and on his mad rush home from the football game, Marc got pulled over by the police. Thankfully I had called 911 so the policeman checked his radio to find Marc's story true and sent him on his way with a warning to just get home safe.

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Yesterday Christian had his 6 month check up with Goulda our fabulous physicians assistant. Christian has all but stopped growing. He grew one inch (normal) and only gained 12 ounces (not normal). I hear him gulping milk each time I feed him. He's a happy baby and sleeps well--signs he is not malnourished or starving. But we're going to take measures to try to fatten him up--sippy train him with formula, as he won't take a bottle, add formula to his cereal with mixed fruit or veggies etc. etc.

I'm sad. I feel solely responsible for his skinny-ness. My other two babies were FAT. They were the size Christian is now when they were 6-8 WEEKS. And not only am I nursing the babe, I make his baby food, too (it's remarkably satisfying to make your own baby food. I recommend it) so I'm doubly responsible. This does not help my feelings of inadequacy as a mother, which grow by the day but maybe I'll get into that in another post.

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Christian got his first tooth on his 6 month birthday. Happy birthday sweet baby.

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Carter discovered he has a loose tooth a week ago. He was sitting next to Grandma Phillips in sacrament meeting last week and whispered to her, I wish I had a loose tooth. She told him to check to see if he did. So he stuck his fingers in his mouth and started wiggling his teeth. All of a sudden his eyes got really wide and a big grin spread across his face. So I've been feeding him apples all week in hopes to loosen that sucker up and make him a happy boy with a hole in his grin. Thankfully, we just got our family pictures taken so we've avoided at least one more year with hole-y grins.

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I have really thin, really fine hair. A few months ago, I decided I should no longer splurge on my big can of Big Sexy Hair Root Pump Plus and go for something cheaper. I went with the Garnier brand which did a fine job, but when I ran out on Thursday, I decided to splurge again. Oh Boy! When I did my hair this morning I realized no more skimping for that product. It's only BSH Root Pump Plus for me.

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I planted my spring bulbs. For the first time. Last spring, Marc and his dad did a little shrink job on our flower bed in front of our house because it was gigantic and overwhelmed our small front yard. I was excited to figure out what I wanted to do with it so last weekend while my in laws visited, my MIL and I went shopping for bulbs. I bought and planted A LOT of them. And today Marc and I went and found a Dwarf Alberta Spruce to put in the bed, too. I'm excited to see how it looks in the spring time.

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'Tis the season for pumpkin chocolate chip bread. I bought some from Great Harvest yesterday and have single handedly finished off almost all of it in the last 24 hours.

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I have felt deeply grateful for my sweet boys and husband in the past few weeks. I love that my husband is *mostly* patient and *mostly* willing to do anything I need him to do. And I love watching my boys grow and learn. They are such sweet things.

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Lakers season has started. That's probably all I need to say about that.

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And finally, next weekend is going to be great. Amidst much sadness on their part, yet much anticipation on mine, my sister and her family (of 4 boys) are moving 40 minutes from us. They move in next weekend and I couldn't be more excited. Really. Right after she had her first baby and when I was pregnant with mine, they moved from Provo where we both lived to Texas. I visited once. Then right as we had our first baby and moved to California, they moved to Chicago and had their second baby soon afterwards. I visited twice. And I think she visited me twice. Then we moved to Colorado and they moved to Utah and we visited a few times. But now, now we can get the cousins together as often as our busy schedules will allow and believe me, they l-o-v-e each other. After all, they are 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and two of them are 6 months. I hope this lasts forever.


Saquel25 said...

You are so lucky. I don't know what I wouldn't give to have my sister live that close to me. Enjoy it!

Robin said...

awesome post! I think you are an outstanding mom! Probably the person who threw the rock through your window was another mom driven to acts of craziness because of your perfection.

That's what I think.

Danette said...

Just seeing those numbers in age makes me laugh and cringe at the same time. Ha! When they are all together maybe the loud crash of breaking glass WILL be one of your chandeliers!

Jennifer said...

I hope so too! Sisters are the best!

Cumorah said...

Aah! Scary! Glad no one was hurt. Glad Mark didn't get a ticket. Glad you get to have your sis so close. Glad you have family pics with lots of teeth. Glad for your big sexy hair (got to love that!) Glad for your pumpkin bread (love, love, love anything pumpkiny). Wish I had tips for plumping up babies --- all of mine were skinny little things --- but healthy all the same. And glad you share your life with us! I can still feel part of it, even though I just see you in passing.

foreveryoung said...

First of all--wowie, wow! You know exactly what I'm talking about :) So many things to comment on....scary and sucky about the window; I know exactly how you're feeling when it comes to nursing, I always have to supplement and of course I felt like a failure as a mom at first, but don't be too hard on yourself!; thank you for the Big Sexy Hair plug, I'm totally going to go get some!; so lucky to have your sister close, I would give anything to be that close to mine-enjoy!

Natalie N said...

Loved all these "odds and ends." How exciting that Danette is moving closer to you!!! A sister's dream come true!