November 10, 2010


I can't help but think of emotions lately. Mine are all over the place and I know it. I'm trying not to think of what is coming my way in the months and years ahead of me. Instead, I'm focusing on each moment and I'm simply fascinated at the spectrum of my emotions. Today:

I felt satisfied that I had energy to get the kitchen clean, the laundry started, the boys fed, all by 8:30 am even though Christian was up screaming, trying to cut his second tooth until after midnight last night.

I felt frustrated at how bossy Marc seemed to be--barking orders to help him clean out the basement. (Disclaimer: Marc is a dear husband, this was simply my perception, today.)

I felt hopeful when Christian continued a feeding triumph--2 bottles yesterday, 2 today! Growing baby here we come!

I felt grateful that the boys wanted to try something new at dinner.

I felt confused and pressured while trying to make decisions for our upcoming basement finish.

I felt joy each time I squeezed a giggle or a smile or a love out of my baby.

I felt content to sit and play a game of War with Carter and Anderson before kissing them and sending them off to sweet slumbers.

I felt broken hearted when Carter expressed his worries about being the responsible oldest child tonight before bed. Maybe his six year old slumbers aren't sweet any more and that scares me.

Right now I'm anticipating a yummy treat Marc is bringing home for me. And I'm hoping to not be disappointed.

What kind of emotions did you feel today?


WhitParks said...

So happy. Happy that no one goes to school and we can do whatever we want and don't have to be home at any certain time. Then a tiny bit sad while we were playing WAY too long at the Children's Museum and they have age appropriate areas for all 3 of my boys but how do I be in all 3 of those places at once and explore the activities with my 3 boys? We made the rounds and it is made me giddy inside my heart to see each one of them discover. I love them.

Danette said...

anger. lots of anger. and stress and frustration.

Berly said...

ALOT!! Why am I always all over the place. I felt excited, peaceful, sleepy, stressed, overwhelmed, happy, angry. I was pretty much all over the place.