September 27, 2010


as in
I heart this kid.
This kid has a lot of heart.

Tonight was the last Landsharks meet of the season. The first graders are supposed to run a 1/2 mile cross country type route and Carter did that for the first two meets. Then after his 1/2 mile at the second meet, he set his heart on running 1 1/2 miles total, so he went and ran part of another race. He felt so accomplished. And tonight, he wanted to run the 1 1/2 mile race instead of his own 1/2 mile. And that's exactly what he did. Like I said, this kid has heart. He was bursting with pride and so was I. I almost cried. (Which is easy for me to do pretty much all the time. ) Like I said, I heart this kid!

And not that time is that important but it only took him 16:19!


Allison said...

That is awesome! I guess it "runs" in the family doesn't it :)

Hans and Michelle said...

I'm impressed. My kids can't run that fast...I need to start working on them!

foreveryoung said...

He definately takes after his mama! You've got good reason to be proud of your little man.