September 10, 2010

Window Shopping

Here's the thing. I've been hitting the gym 3-4 times a week for the last 8 or 9 weeks. And I've really stepped it up in the last 2 or 3. I can run 5 miles! and am feeling great. The scale isn't speaking to me as fast as I'd like it to, but I'm not losing sight of how I feel and the fact that I'm well on my way to being able to do the things I used to. I'm incredibly grateful for a baby who will let me get to the gym as often as I'd like. Another incredible blessing.

As Anderson has started preschool for 2 1/2 hours in the afternoon 3 times a week and Carter is gone all day everyday, I found myself at the mall this afternoon, making a few exchanges. I thought I'd hit up my favorite store to see what's new. I couldn't find anything this past June when I was desperate for a few things, but now. . .now there's a slew of things I'd love. I didn't have the time to try things on (and maybe wasn't brave enough to risk disappointment) so I don't even know if these things would fit right, (and curse nursing bras that don't really fit me which only add to that problem!) but they are certainly cute, aren't they:

Now it would be really nice if I could get my hands on $400!
(and that would only cover the stuff I want! not all the cute little and big boy stuff they have at Old Navy and The Children's Place. *sigh* if only money grew on trees.)


Robin said...

You have good taste and you are looking very good!

Beth schell said...

You looked great the other day! You definitely should have tried it all on!

Cumorah said...

Dan just recently planted lots of trees in our yard. I wish upon them frequently, and am positive that at least one of them will respond to the wishing and start sprouting greenbacks. When it does, I will let you know, and we can both go do some real shopping. We could even have matching outfits. Wouldn't that be lovely?

Hans and Michelle said...

You have great style...something I keep thinking might just happen to me someday. And 5 miles?! Wow. Good for you. I'm trying so hard to listen to your advice. Takes another endurance runner to know how hard the mind speaks to us to do dumb things.