September 15, 2010

One year older and wiser, too!

Anderson turned four yesterday.
*cue the sniffles*
As crazy as he makes me, and he does make me crazy when he decides to be stubborn,
I want to freeze time.
As proud as he makes me with all of his growth and accomplishments,
I still want to freeze time.
And because he still has a sugary sweet, lovey dovey side to him,
(he compliments me and says he loves me many times a day, maybe even more than his daddy does.)
I want to freeze time.
I love spending time with him and I don't want the day to come when he no longer wants to spend time with me.
But since I don't possess the magic to freeze time, I'll just relish every moment and remind him everyday that he'll always be my baby. No matter what. Even when he goes away to college. Even when he gets married. Even when he has babies of his own.
*cue more sniffles*
Anderson 2 days old

Anderson at 1 year
he has loved animals since he was so little!

Anderson at 2 years

Anderson at 3 years
seriously, his eyelashes kill me!

Anderson at 4 years
nice hip pop, dude!


Allison said...

Ummm who said he could grow up? So not fair!

Robin said...

Happy Birthday Anderson! I loved being your nursery leader. You were a great example to all the other nursery kids on how to act in nursery.

Anne said...

What a cutie! He looks a lot like you in that last picture : )