September 03, 2010

Things You Should Know About Christian--4 Month Edition

I'm really struggling to figure out how this little man:
a few hours after birth
one day old
one month old
two months old
three months old
has grown into this little man:
about 4 months

4 Things you should know about Christian at 4 months:

1. He is an absolute dream. There's no other word to describe him.

2. He sleeps 12 hours at night. (See #1!)

3. He rolls from his tummy to his back. A few nights in the last month he's woken up crying multiple times in the night because he's rolled over to his back and can't get back to sleep because he's not on his tummy.

4. He's teeny tiny: only 13 lbs. 2 oz. and 24 inches long today. (My other two were that big at 2 months--it's sort of refreshing to have just put away the 0-3 month clothing. While 0-3 size was just a bit too snug, the 3-6 month clothing is a smidge too big.) He's between the 10 and 25 percentile for height and weight.

And because I just couldn't resist--his sweet little toes.


Allison said...

You are making me homesick!!! :) He sure is a cutie!

wackywilsons said...

He is such a babe....

I thought of you and one of your posts the other day when someone asked me if I was prego...and I am NOT. UGH...just a poochy belly!

R A C H A E L said...

PHEW!! I just got caught up on your blog. I sooo want to come and take your family photos again!! I'm toying with the idea of booking many shoots over a weekend and coming up, I'll keep you posted.

And P.S. I am dying to snuggle your new little man. He is perfect!!!!!!

Natalie N said...

That 2 month old picture is classic! Christian's face is too cute there! And yes, he sounds like the DREAM baby of the century. Loved the update on your (teeny) 4 month old!