September 26, 2010


I was trying to hold out until Christian was officially 5 months to start solids. Marc's been pushing me to start for over a month but I'm crazy and have crazy ideas so I wanted to wait. But Christian has started to wake up in the middle of the night, has been extremely unpredictable in napping, and all together out of sorts for a few days so I bit the bullet and started a whole week early in hopes that he's just been a little hungry. I know, I know. Just call me Rebellious with a capital R. (Is that humor a little too much? Maybe. I'm not sure. Some people are so cute on their blogs. I just wanted to try to be cute for once.)

He started out by tasting his bib. Yum.

He looks a little uncertain here but he certainly was biting at the spoon with every bite.

Is it stupid to like the colorful spoons I bought for him?

He ended up eating about a 1 1/2 tablespoons of oatmeal.


Dan and Katie said...

I have those same spoons! They were so cute I couldn't resist!

wackywilsons said...

I love those first moments...such a priceless bowl of oatmeal.

WhitParks said...

I am like you, I like to put it off and wait forever. Love baby boys.