June 08, 2010

One year older and wiser, too!

It's hard to believe I have a 6 year old but indeed I do. Carter turned 6 a few weeks ago and though I told him I couldn't plan a cool party like I did when he turned 4 (a construction themed party) and 5 (a camping themed party) I think he felt pretty special this year anyway. We celebrated with dinner at Texas Roadhouse, his choice, with both sets of grandparents which I truly believe was his favorite part--the grandparents I mean. He had a fabulous homemade chocolate Astroboy cake. I brought superhero cupcakes to school for his friends and classmates. We ate lunch at McDonald's with a friend from school. And he opened lots of really great gifts. I have to catch myself when I've been asked how old my kids are recently--I keep saying he's 5 and he'll have none of that. He is 6 and proud of it.
Now lets take a trip down memory lane:
Carter at birth

Carter at 1 year

Carter at 2 years

Carter at 3 years

Carter at 4 years

Carter at 5 years


Danette said...

That newborn picture is one of my favs. I love him! The cake looks great!

wackywilsons said...

adorable. just adorable.

Natalie N said...

Loved seeing all of these cute pictures. What a grown up little man!