June 08, 2010

One month

Christian is already one month old!
He's a growing boy at 9 lbs. 10 oz. and a good baby by all accounts.
It's still an adjustment to have a new born so as crazy as it sounds, I started sleep training today.
I'm hoping that the Babywise program does as it promises and has him sleeping through the night in a few weeks so that Marc and I can both get a little more much needed sleep.
Sadly, the babe broke out with baby acne this last weekend--I just hate the baby acne phase but hopefully it'll pass quickly and he'll get back to his cute self.
Here he is salivating over a piece of The Cheesecake Factory's Red Velvet Cheesecake!

1 comment:

jkhuber said...

Christian is so adorable! I hate baby acne, too. It doesn't seem fair that they have to put up with it. Oh, and I'm salivating over that cheesecake right along with him!