June 11, 2010

Hello, lover!

My love affair with the treadmill began a long time ago when Marc's work schedule stopped allowing me to run outside and I couldn't fathom pushing my two boys in a double jogger on the hills in Colorado Springs. I really do love the treadmill--I feel strong and powerful after a good run. I will continue this affair sometime next week when I get my new Adidas Salvations in the mail, providing my children will behave at childwatch--Christian in particular. I can't wait!
(please excuse the Sex in the City reference--it's the only thing I know from the show and even though I'm sure Carrie Bradshaw was staring down a pair of Manolo Blahniks, I'm more in love with my running shoes.)


wackywilsons said...

i am running Ragnar this week. I will be thinking of you!

Robin said...

I love love love your blog picture. So cute.