June 30, 2009

Run. Drive. Sleep? Repeat.

(me in the middle of my second leg)
A few weekends ago, I ran the Ragnar Wasatch Back Relay.
188 miles from Logan to Park City.
12 runners on a team.
3 legs for each runner.
This post title says it all:
We ran, drove, tried to catch some winks. Then pushed repeat.
I ran with my two sisters, some of my twin sister's family members and a few other people. Our team was appropriately named the Rag Tag Bunch and collectively, we spent just about 33 hours running in Utah's beautiful and grueling back country.
My parents surprised us and met our van right after we ran our first legs.
(they drove from Colorado to see us race)
My dad ran my third and most difficult leg with me.
When it was all over, I had run 18.4 miles in just under 3 hours.
Did I mention that
I was on a running high for DAYS.
In fact, I had been planning on hanging up my running shoes for the summer to get some variety in my exercise, but after the race I realized, I can't give it up.


Saquel25 said...

Well done you! Doesn't look like a lot of fun to me but I certainly can appreciate the achievement and the high you must get from it.

Misty said...

That race is killer. I have a good friend who runs it every year. Congrats! I consider that quite the accomplishment!

Berly said...

I was thinking about you...and thought I hope Diana is enjoying herself and hanging in there. Glad to hear all went well and WELL DONE!! GOOD JOB!! What a fun race! We will definately have to do this next year...

Jen and Kent said...

I am so happy for you and glad you enjoyed it so much too. You did such an awesome job and in rainy weather too. Congrats!!!

Dan and Katie said...

That is so awesome!! I wanna hear all about it!!! We need to do dinner again soon :)

Dan and Katie said...

p.s. that is an awesome running picture!!

wackywilsons said...

You are way too modest...you are a go getter and achiever! Way to go!!! The running princess is back and we have missed her!

Rohm Family said...

d you are amazing! It souds like so much fun- but exhausting!

Natalie N said...

WAY TO GO Di! I got goosebumps when I read that your parents drove out to meet you while you were racing. How sweet! Way to go girls!! You ALL are inspiring. xoxo

Julie said...

Great job! I'm impressed.
Just side note, are you and the family planning on coming out to Disneyland this summer? Let me know...

R A C H A E L said...

You are so impressive.

I'm going to call you. We need to hang, and Zoey is still calling for carter from her bedroom window...

Brooke said...

I looked for you gals out there and never found you! I'm so glad you kicked it's trash. I'm so proud of you. You look stunning when you run. I look like... well, let's just say not good. Anyway, congratulations!!

Phillips Flips said...

Oh my gosh, that is incredible! How fun that you got to enjoy some family time too AND great scenery to boot. Keep it up!

foreveryoung said...

Amazing!! You are such an inspiration! My sister-in-law ran that same race and it sounded pretty intense but also an awesome experience. Congrats!