May 26, 2009

Tucson Round 2

We spent the weekend away for Marc's company retreat. It was a no-kids-allowed trip to Tucson, AZ just like last year. Here's the run down:
3 1/2 days
3 nights
5 meals out
1 trip to In n Out
1 90 minute pedicure (ahhh)
8 miles of hiking/running (destination shown in the picture above)
1 ankle sprain
1 movie
4 hours of pool side sun
2 sunburns
0 pictures (oops)
Today is back to real life, but I slept in anyway!


Berly said...

Love those trips!! YAY!!

Dan and Katie said...

Sweet!!! I am a little jealous :)

Robin said...


Jen and Kent said...

Sounds fabulous...minus the ankle sprain. Glad you made it home safe.

Leslie said...

That sounds so fun! I wish Craig's work had a retreat like that! And good for you for sleeping in, all moms deserve to sleep in!

wackywilsons said...

NO pictures!!!

I am sad that I didn't know you were coming...I would've loved to have met up with you..

That pedi sounded so so so nice

foreveryoung said...

We love Tucson, hope you liked my neck of the woods (and hopefully you didn't roast!)

Natalie N said...

Sounds like a wonderfully magical kid-free vacation. I trust you enjoyed the In N Out?! :)

R A C H A E L said...

I'm warning you. Arizona is addicting...

Glad the trip was fun!