August 17, 2009

all new explorers must answer a science question. you live in what kind of home? an anemonemone. amnemonemomne. that's okay kid, dont hurt yourself.

I was planning on being done with this blogging thing. I've lost interest in it. Can't you tell? But, today was a big day and I'm sure there are more big days to come and now I just can't decide. To blog or not to blog? IDK? But for today, I'm blogging.
Today was the first day of the rest of our lives.
Carter started Kindergarten.
I was a mess at orientation last week, but held it together nicely today. Whew!

(ready to walk to school--it takes us 20 minutes. He's such a cool kid!)

(waiting outside the classroom)

(waiting in line to go inside. I think he was a little nervous. Look how cute Anna Boone looks right behind him!)

I hope he has a good experience. I was geared up for this day all summer long--and then a week ago I started having some pretty strong anxiety about it which caused a major shift in my mentality: suddenly, I see value in home-schooling. *gasp!* And I'm a firm believer in the public school system. (After all, I have a degree in teaching!)

There are few minor issues that concern me, but I'm hoping they will blow over and we'll settle into a nice I like school routine. Not to say that he doesn't like it. I'm mostly hoping that I will like it!

(and for good measure, a *blurry* picture of the brothers in their new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle swim suits from Grandma & Grandpa Baer. They love them!)


Misty said...

Don't stop blogging! You were my inspiration in the first place! I LOVE reading about you and your fun boys.

I really hope today went well...glad you held it together. I think I will have very mixed feelings when that day comes for us!

Nolan Phillips said...

It's hard to believe he's already that old. I still remember Lara's first day of kindergarten many years ago. Moms remember those things. The picture of the two boys in their swimsuits is great. They both look like they've grown a foot. We can't wait to see all of you sometime in the next few weeks.

Dan and Katie said...

keep blogging, if you have to quit something, quit facebook! Congrats on Carter's first day!

Saquel25 said...

Bless him! I have also been excited about the start of school for weeks - and I mean praying that I could make it until the 17th arrived. And then when I got to the bus stop with the kids I had a real moment of anxiety. It must be hormones because I had to focus so that I didn't cry on the way home. Now I'm good.

Robin said...

I love your blogs. Ike talks about anderson and carter a lot. He likes them. They are such cute boys and you are a wonderful mom (and Primary Pres.)

Natalie N said...

Yes, this was definitely a blog-worthy post!! Please keep the posts coming. I love hearing about you guys, and for some reason, blogging is easier for me than FB these days. :)

Man, your boys look so grown up in their swim trunks! I love that picture. And congrats to Carter on his first day of school! That's exciting stuff!!

Rebecca said...

I'm not really feeling the blogging thing lately either, but I'm glad you posted!

I hope Carter had an awesome first day!!

Colorado Smarts said...

You took some great pictures of the first day. I hope that the week goes well and that he gets more and more excited (and that you do too).

Alayna said...

I for one am thrilled you are still blogging....I just reconnecte with you and its way too soon to pull the plug! Though I only have a couple of school years under my belt...I'm quite sure both of you will find your school groove. It always takes me about a month. Hope he has a fabulous year!