April 28, 2009

Celebrate Life

Four years ago today my sister passed away after battling with her body for 11 years.
She was 14.
So, today is a day for me to celebrate life
and to remember:
My life is a gift
my life has a plan.
My life has a purpose
in heav'n it began.
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
And seek for God's light to direct me from birth.


Dan and Katie said...

Thats so sweet. I remember in HS going over to your house and you and Danette telling me that she was the angel in your lives. I've always remembered that :)

Saquel25 said...

That must have been so hard to lose a sister. I can hardly believe that it is nearing the year anniversary of my father's death. Thanks for reminding me to celebrate.

R A C H A E L said...

Wow. I had no idea.

I don't know what to say. Celebrating life, and hers, is a wonderful way to honor her.


Berly said...

I had no idea.
Love how you honored her.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful person she must have been - and what a good sister you are. i can't imagine. we all look up to you

Natalie N said...

Beautiful post. Love you, D.

Anne said...

What a beautiful post. I love that primary song :)

Rachel said...

You are an amazing woman! Thanks for you great example of love.

Dan and Katie said...

Yes I do want to go again. I kinda want to have a girls incline club for the summer :) Who else could we get?

Colleen said...

Hey Diana! I blog stalked you from Katie and Dan's blog. I hope you don't mind! What a sweet post. I am glad the challenges your sister had has helped you increase your faith. I am sure she is so happy to see that her life could do that for you!

foreveryoung said...

What a sweet tribute, it's nice knowing you've got a guardian angel...

wackywilsons said...

This was a very sweet post.

You haven't been blogging much! Where are you?

Phillips Flips said...

What a sweet tribute. I remember meeting your sister once at your bridal shower at Amy's house. I thought it was sweet how she played toys with the cousins. I'm sure she taught your family a lot about love and sacrifice. I think those Primary songs are so profound too.

Darrick n' Camille said...

I remember meeting your sister at some occasion as well. Good to have the gospel eh. We live a couple hours west of you in Gunnison!

Robin said...

I am glad you shared this with us. And I love the song you posted. So sweet.