April 28, 2009

Odds and Ends

My friend Robin uses odds and ends as the title for her blogs that are here and there. . . I like it. I'm adopting it. Thanks, Robin!


I haven't been interested in blogging lately. Have you noticed? The main reason is this: I've been living my life on hold since oh, um, February. I can't post why, but if you don't already know, just ask. (if you don't live here, shoot me an email or something!) I'd be happy to tell you. On the other hand, I've been extremely addicted to facebook. Extremely addicted. Don't worry, I've gotten my computer time in! Just not in blogging.


I need to become a person with lists again. Because I am no longer living my life on hold--I have THINGS TO DO!! Decorate. Spring cleaning. Painting. Yard work. I was going to start this week, but I'm feeling under the weather. I'll get my lists made tonight and start tomorrow.


The Lakers made the NBA playoffs. *surprise* They just won the first round against the Jazz. Sorry Jazz fans. *not really* But I am sorry that I'm not sorry. (Isn't there an exchange similar to that in the movie Dodgeball. Marc thinks that part is so funny. I don't.) The Nuggets need to win 5 more games and the Lakers need to win 4 more games and then the Lakers will play Denver for the Western Conference Finals. We're crossing our fingers so we can go to another game this year. If you're a Nuggets or Lakers fan and want to come with, let me know.


Dan and Katie said...

That would be fun to go to that game, but we wouldn't be able to sit by each other :)

Diana said...

Marc's not a trash talker if that is a concern to anyone!

Robin said...

Why was your life on hold and why don't I know about it? I live here. I still have a few ideas for your yard.

Natalie N said...

Hmmm...life is on hold... pregnancy? No, I saw on FB the other day that you ran what, 15(?) miles through the hills of CO.... Hmm... I hope you guys are doing well! We're thinking of you.

Natalie N said...

p.s.--your profile pic is beautiful!

Britney said...

I am sorry to hear that you've been going thorough a lot lately, I hope things are looking up for you. I am a hard core Laker fan so if you go to the game I will be thinking of you while we watch from our tiny screen. I hope they do well!

Hey by the way, are you guys living in Colorodo Springs? We lived there for a bit right after we got married, i wonder if some of the same people are there in your ward. Crazy.

foreveryoung said...

Why is your life on hold?? I would guess pregnancy too....

Alayna said...

I'm a firm believer in to-do lists...they give me a nice tidy sense of accomplishment day to day. Sometimes I even write down things I already did so that I can cross them off...I probably shouldn't admit that publicly.