March 06, 2009

inspire me please. . .

I need to go grocery shopping--today. Though it probably won't happen until tomorrow. I've been uninspired as of late and my poor family is suffering. My dear friends, inspire me. Give me some grand ideas of what to make for dinners for my family in the coming weeks. Please.


Anonymous said...

send me your e-mail. i do one months worth at a time and of course change things all the time to mix it up. i know kim johnson is the amazing one at this!!!

Anonymous said...

ooohhh...double wammy! can everyone post this stuff please, we ALL need new ideas, our own gets "boring" acording to Amber

Livingstone Family said...

oooooooooh, I haven't been in a cooking mood as of late, but I found this blog with a ton of great recipes that I printed out last night so that I could be inspired. It's:
They also look EASY, which is what I'm all about!
Good luck,
I miss you! XOXO

ixoj said...

Look at my cooking blog!

It's least I think it's great. :)

Kristen said...

Please forward your great ideas to me! We've been living off frozen taquitos, frozen pizza, and our year's supply of corn flakes.

wackywilsons said...

I think those pics of your sweet boy Carter is sound asleep next to mama. I love it! Makes me want to cuddle up my babe right now b/c he is already getting too big for my liking.

Did you get some ideas for meals? I love the website.

Did Marc get a ring finally? We are on ring #2 as well, simply b/c Jared didn't like the first he wouldn't wear it! We got it at a kiosk in the mall...