February 26, 2009

on the flip side. . .

this picture of Anderson just makes me laugh.
taken right after he bit me while nursing,
he got a flick and a stern no that simply broke his heart.


Robin said...

He is saying "MOM! I'm so sorry! Can we PLEASE get back to nursing?"

R A C H A E L said...

The caption should read, "PLEASE! DON'T TAKE THE MILKY GOODNESS AWAY!!!!"

That photo just breaks your heart and makes you laugh at the same time. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

love it...love it....love it! what a sweetheart he is - just goes to show how much he loves his mommy!

Colorado Smarts said...

Love the pictures...also the story of Marc's rings. I'm feeling that we need to catch up sometime, I'll give you a call when I get a minute. It seems it has been way to long!