March 09, 2009

25 Things

I posted this note on my facebook account in response to one of those fun tags that have been making it's way around.

1. It took me about a month to find 25 *interesting enough* things to write here.
2. I am a food snob.
3. I am a people- pleaser. Right now I'm totally stressed out because I've offended the same person at least twice in the last six weeks or so.
4. I love running. . .on a treadmill. I have a favorite treadmill at the gym. I lip sync to my music while I run. My favorite running song of all time is Lose Yourself by Eminem. Running to this song makes me feel strong and emotional about running.
5. I love oatmeal raisin cookies and will never pass up Subway's oatmeal raisin cookies. Yum.
6. I like to gauge my health by comparing what I have in my grocery cart with the person checking out in front of me at the grocery store. I'm always shocked to see what people buy. The other day all I had was veggies *I was planning to make stir fry* and the lady in front of me had at least 6 candy bars, 2 bags of donettes, frozen dinners etc. I won that day! *that's not always the case*
7. I am compulsively organized.
8. I really disliked every formal dance I've ever attended.
9. I am THE QUEEN of returns and buyers remorse. Right now I'm in the process of cancelling a food storage order we made on Saturday.
10. I'm a Dooney and Bourke gal--I have two of their purses and already have my eye on another--though I know for sure I'll never get that one.
11. Last weekend Marc took me to see He's Just Not That Into You. I liked it. I realized that the only boy that has ever been into me was and still is Marc. I guess that's probably what happens--you find your one and stick with him the rest of your life.
12. Taylor Swift songs make me really happy.
13. I've only left the country one time *besides to Canada, which I don't really count since I grew up minutes away from the border* to go half way around the world to China.
14. In 2000, I went on two dates with a boy who just a few years later was accused and tried for rape. Scary.
15. I find chopping vegetables very theraputic.
16. I usually fold our clean laundry *or what's left of it in the baskets* the night before laundry day.
17. I haven't and won't read the Twilight series. *gasp*
18. I have a dirt phobia.
19. I've run two marathons.
20. I cannot live without the denim jacket I bought a year and a half ago.
21. I don't really like fluffy books. I get much more satisfaction from reading books that are deep and real and long--so that I can get attached the the characters. Jane Eyre and My Antonia are my absolute favorites.
22. I'd really love to run the Great Wall of China marathon.
23. My favorite color is green--the shade that is slightly lighter than shamrock green.
24. I'm hoping to learn how to garden this year.
25. I've become slightly high maintenance and I'm okay with it.


Saquel25 said...

In response to #21 - Have you ever read "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas? It's seriously one of the best books ever. And if you are in need of any more involved, long, real and amazing book titles just give me a call. I REALLY recommend "East Lynne" by Mrs Henry Wood.

Berly said...

I am the same way about laundry. i put the clean laundry away that is in the baskets and than I do the laundry the next day.

Alayna said...

So glad you posted on my blog and I was able to find yours!!!! You look wonderful and your family is adorable. There are few things I enjoy more than catching up with old friends! Thanks for making my day!!!!!

wackywilsons said...

I found all of your things very interesting...I want to copy you in your "quest" for 25 things to say.

I loved your comment about comparing food grocery carts...and also about chopping veggies...all very cool!

nicole said...

I have three comments:
1. give in to the twilight temptation.
2. I always play the grocery store game and I don't think I've ever won :(
3. Wasn't I living with you in 2000? Who the heck is the rapist????!!!!