December 13, 2008

Quote of the Day

John Zimmerman was my neighbor from the time I was four until we moved to a different house when I was nine. He was a year younger than me, a tow-head and could run really fast. During the spring, summer and fall we'd spend hours running around his huge un-fenced yard playing super heroes, climbing the big tree in the back, raking leaves in the fall. There are lots of good memories trampled into that lawn. I can almost hear his voice taunting my much slower paced sister and me, Nanny nanny boo boo! You can't catch me! Oh how true that was. He was super fast! I think of this only because someone, I don't know who, has taught my boys to taunt. It's so funny to hear my barely-talking two year old walk around the house saying, "heh heh boo boo" in a very correct sing song way. (Don't be fooled by his sweet sleeping face.)

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