December 13, 2008

The story of the Oreos

It all started a few weeks ago when I spotted the Limited Edition Peppermint Oreos at Walmart. I bet those taste go-od, I thought to myself. But I withstood the temptation to buy them and try them. Afterall, I don't have much will power when it comes to sweets and if they were in the house, I'd probably eat them all, leaving Marc shocked and dismayed when he returned home from work late. The next week at Walmart, they were sitting there tempting me again. It was all I could do to just walk on by. It proved all too much for me on my Walmart trip the third week because even after withstanding them in the food department, they were sitting right there by the register when I went to check out. I threw a package into the cart. When I got home, I was appalled when I saw that instead of the Peppermint kind I had picked up the Winter Oreos with the red creme filling. There's nothing special about regular oreos with red filling besides the fact that Oreos really are quite tasty. This was last Friday, the day Oreos became my current vice. So, last Saturday when we went to pick up a few Christmas items at Walmart I picked up the Peppermint Oreos I had originally planned on buying the day before. It's a wonder either of the packages really lasted the four days they did. Really. So then this last Tuesday, when I asked Marc to stop at the store on his way home from work to grab a few things, he did a really sweet and kind thing-- he picked up yet another package of the Peppermint kind thinking those were what I really wanted. So very thoughtful, but by then I had discovered I preferred the original Oreo, not the Peppermint kind.

A friend of mine wrote a blog post yesterday called, You are what you eat. While she made a lot of great points of how true this is, if it really were, it's a wonder I'm not an Oreo right now.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I love the Golden Oreos. I made myself a little sick one week this summer with Golden Oreos.

Maybe you should drop a few of those peppermint oreos at my house and we can decide if we like them.