December 05, 2008

puppy love

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are not complete without Anderson's kiss from Ayana, Miss Amy's Great Pyrenees. I know it seems as if I coddle Anderson by getting him out of the car EVERY MORNING we drop Carter off at school, but there are certain simple things I have to do to keep my baby happy and this is one of them. According to Miss Amy, Ayana does not kiss anyone except Anderson which makes me wonder if in her doggy brain, Ayana looks forward to seeing him as much as he does her. This morning, I wouldn't let Anderson out of the car because he had refused to get his socks, shoes and coat on before leaving the house for school. It's one battle I'll pick in 16 degree weather. (The radio indeed said it was 16 degrees when we were leaving for school.) Needless to say he was quite disappointed but I told him if he behaved during the 2 1/2 hours we were together this morning he could see Ayana when we picked Carter up. They had a dear reunion later this morning. When I got Anderson out of his seat, I turned around to see Ayana running down the the driveway to see him. They had a brief face to face moment before we headed home. And my boy was happy.


R A C H A E L said...

I love how simple the little boys are. Who knew a dog could make him so happy!

Jen and Kent said...

I love this cute little story! Your boys are so dang cute I can hardly stand it!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad they love her! you have such GREAT boys!

wackywilsons said...

I LOVE DOGS! Anderson and I would get along great, and I am sure he would love my Wrangler....this post was so tender and sweet for us pet lovers out there:) Surely they do have a special bond. I know that Wrangler LOVES Jared and would do anything to please him...dogs know when they are loved by people.

Dan and Katie said...

I found the recipe and I am making tomorrow....does it work for dinner? :) Thanks!

Summer said...

How cute! Will you e-mail me your address so I can send you a Christmas card?