December 01, 2008

Hello, My Name is Trouble

Tonight during our 10 minutes of FHE Anderson did everything but sing or listen. He:
  • tried to take my sock off
  • brought me our copy of The Lion King 2
  • played with the phone
  • tried to take Marc's sock off
  • got in a hitting match with Carter

We decided to stop there.


Berly said...

I felt the same way tonight during our family home evening. I was reading the Christmas message from President Monson while we looked at our Nativity set. Nicole was talking non stop. taylor was sitting nicely on my lap and Kaylee wad trying to listen - but Nicole was everywhere. She was screaming, singing, messing with Baby Jesus and screaming "My Baby." Sometimes- I wonder
Why do I even try?"

Dan and Katie said...

FHE, I remember causing my parents some serious grief during FHE!!! At least you are trying!

Dan and Katie said...
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R A C H A E L said...

sounds familiar. You are having FHE though, and thats what counts...

Natalie N said...

Love it. Good for you guys for at least trying! Heaven knows it's rough while these kids are little. Keep up the great work!

Rachel said...

Oh, I am so glad to read this post and know that I am not the only one who feels my blood pressure rising during FHE, family prayer, or even family scripture study, my boys make me crazy some days.

Robin said...

Is that why they call it Family Home Fight? Our FHE last about 15 minutes...20 if I am teaching. When the kids were young they lasted about 5 minutes. Really.