September 18, 2008


My idea of camping is quite frankly not camping at all. It simply does not coincide with my hatred of dirt. But, I'm very out numbered in my family. My parents have been talking about going camping together all summer and since Carter has LOVED every father-sons camp out he's been on, I relinquished and we finally came up with a weekend that worked for all of us. So, a few weekends ago, we packed up the cars and drove an hour away to Mueller State Park where the camping isn't too rough--sinks, showers, playground, and lots of trails. We only stayed for one night and part of a morning since Marc had to be home to cover a soccer tournament, but we had a good time climbing trees, riding bikes, roasting hot dogs, taking little walks, roasting marshmallows, and playing frisbee. My favorite part of the night was sitting by the fire and listening to the boys "try to sleep" in the tent with their flashlights. They are becoming friends and it warms my heart. Unfortunately, they never fell asleep because the flashlights were just too enticing so we finally brought them out to the fire with us and my mom snuggled Anderson to sleep while Carter watched the fire crackle with us. While I'm not a huge fan of camping, my parents have acquired quite the set up over the years and I wouldn't mind going again as long as they and their gear come with us. We made some fun memories.


Jennifer said...

I loved seeing the pictures of your boys with your parents. I'm not a fan of camping either but I'm glad you had a fun time.

Natalie N said...

How fun! Looks like a great time. I love that your boys are becoming such sweet friends. That's the best!