September 18, 2008

Soccer Star

Marc was at the gym with me one morning a few weeks ago and made a spur of the moment decision to sign Carter up for soccer. While I was a bit hesitant because I hadn't researched if the YMCA program was the best one to sign up for, I quickly decided since it was his first exposure to "organized" sports (really, how organized is a team for 3-4 year olds going to be?) it didn't matter this time around. If Marc hadn't signed him up that day, we probably would have missed the fall season all together, though I'd been meaning to get him on a team since last spring. Anyway, he's had two practices and one game and he sure does love it, especially with his dad as his coach. Here he is in all his glory--his $4 thrift-store cleats, his $2 Walmart special shorts, and his over sized shin-guards, soccer socks, and jersey.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

That is so cute! I can't wait for Aurora to be able to play soccer. I wish there was a league for 3-4 year olds here! He is adorable in all his gear!