September 13, 2008


There is NOTHING like a running high. Absolutely NOTHING and I'm on one. Right after I typed my workout plan on here yesterday, I changed my mind and decided to give 18 miles a go. And I DID IT!! Not fast, but I've never claimed to be a fast runner. And not without a little bit of tightness and discomfort but that's too be expected. And if I can run 18 on a treadmill, I think I have the mental stamina to do 26 through a gorgeous canyon in St. George. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take some Ibuprofen and ice my knees and then proceed to eat whatever I want today. That's of course the BEST part about running.


jkhuber said...

Congrats, Diana! I'm very proud of you. John will run his first (and probably only) marathon a week from today. That's a pretty cool acheivement. Good luck!

Berly said...

GOOD FOR YOU AND ON A TREADMILL. I would have stopped~~

Jen and Kent said...

Great job Diana!!!! 18 miles is crazy and 26 is well...crazier! You're fantastic!

Anonymous said...

HOW DID YOU DO IT?!?! Especially when you could press 'stop' at any time - you need to make a motivational tape for the rest of us and when we get to mile one...two three..five we could here you say 'suck it up girls...up the incline for thinking it!'

Phillips Flips said...

Holy cow, your post had me singing the Rocky theme. Go Diana! I hope your knees can keep up with you. I admire you marathon people.

Robin said...

I am impressed. Good job!

Misty said...

wow. I agree totally with Joyana. amazing.

Summer said...

Wow! you are amazing. Last week I ran two miles and I am still congratulating myself about it--I don't know how you do it. So does that murphy's oil soap work any other miracles? I am having trouble with chocolate stains.

Natalie N said...

18 miles ON A TREADMILL. I am so so so impressed. Way to go! Please tell me what you do to last that long... music, tv, reading? I'm not kidding. I want to know your secrets! :)
You'll do wonderfully in SG!

Andrea said...

Seriously?? Did you say you ran 18 on a treadmill? I can't even make it 3 on a treadmill. WOW. Good luck at St. George--hope to see you there!

wackywilsons said...

So exciting!!!
Was this at the gym? Where were your kids where you could run for 18 miles. What the heck! Stamina!!!

Can't wait for more details!

R A C H A E L said...

OK Superwoman. That is amazing. I am excited for the photos of your marathon! GO DIANA GO!!

nicole said...

DIANE!!! I am soooo impressed. Please tell me you at least had a good movie or something to watch while you ran. I get so bored on treadmills that I usually last half a mile.