August 27, 2008

The Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich

When I was about to start 8th grade, my sister and I took our first plane ride all the way from our home in Toledo, Ohio to Las Vegas to visit my aunt and cousins. During our visit, my aunt took us to eat at Hard Rock Cafe where I ordered their grilled cheese sandwich. When it came to the table and I took a bite, I saw (and tasted) that melted between the bread and cheese was also a slice of tomato. Who knew tomato complemented grilled cheese that way? Well, it does. Now that I think about it, I've never tried to make them that way with cheddar cheese, but a few months back I came across the recipe for Tyler Florence's Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich. I tried it--YUM. I've seen the recipe a million times since then, on menus in restaurants, in magazines. Just last week I came across the recipe again and just looking at the picture in the magazine made me crave it. So, last night, I bought all the ingredients and I just ate the ultimate grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. I'm in LOVE!

The Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Sourdough bread
Sliced tomatoes
Sliced fresh mozzarella

Smear the insides of the bread with pesto sauce, then layer slices of cheese and mozzarella on one piece and cover with the other. Butter the outsides of the bread and put it on a hot griddle. (or grill pan if you want panini-like grooves) Place a heavy pan on top of the sandwich to smash it down. Cook on each side until the outsides of the bread are golden and crispy and the cheese is melted.

What are you waiting for, pack the kids up and get to the grocery store. You should have this for dinner TONIGHT!


Natalie N said...

Yum! These items are on my grocery list as we speak. Can't wait to try it!

foreveryoung said...

Oh I am drooling! I am such a sucker for oozey melted cheese, I can't wait to try it. You need to post this on the recipe site, it looks like a winner!

daveanddebbie said...

So yummy! I made these a lot when I was pregnant, but have forgotten! Thanks for the reminder!

Jen and Kent said...

oooohhh...I can't wait!!! Looks delicious and I love Pesto. Thanks for sharing!!

Berly said...

YUM!!! When I opened your blog, I saw the pictures and thought, that looks sooooo good. I can't wait to try it. THANKS!!

Julie said...

I like your wallpaper. It's very cute...

Julie said...

I like your new wallpaper. Very cute...

Rohm Family said...

thank you diana- I love your recipes you post- so good. I am going to make this this week :) I have a grill pan and don't ever use it- now I have an excuse :)

R A C H A E L said...

Anyone for a food night? That looks really good. Have you ever had a grilled cheese made with truffle oil? I bet that sandwich in truffle oil would be to DIE for.

Robin said...

What a fun blog you have...lots of great recipes! i'm going to make this one for sure!