July 21, 2008


It might not be a "commitment amendment" necessarily, but I do need to clarify. When I say "no sugar" what I really mean is no dessert. No candy, no cookies, NO CAKE, no ice cream. I may need to have the occasional sweet bread treat (only because I just found two recipes that I really really really want to try) and my commitment also excludes those cool Endurance Jelly Beans. I'll be consuming those on my long runs in the future.


Anonymous said...

i totally commend you...how you can even consider is high in my books!!! Good for you!

Colorado Smarts said...

I leave this one to you and only to you. I don't think that I can give up sugar. I also don't know how you can be training for a marathon with 2 little boys and a husband who is working crazy hours. I commend you and some day maybe I'll be able to run 3 miles again without wanting to lay down and just sleep for the rest of the day.

Oh, we're coming down your way for the Balloon launch at the end of August...any plans?? Email/call me maybe we can figure something out.