July 29, 2008

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar (an update)

Last Monday night I swore off sugar, soda & fast food. It's not going so well:

Tuesday--a handful of raisinettes, one piece of cake
Wednesday--a few too many orange rolls that my mom makes, somehow I can't get mine to turn out like hers
Thursday--NO SUGAR!
Friday--rootbeer (I could only drink a small portion of the bottle though)
Sunday--rootbeer, peach pie a la mode
Monday--Anderson's half eaten cheeseburger & fries Happy Meal
Tuesday--a tiny bowl of frozen yogurt, raisinettes & sprite

Like I said last week, this is going to be a tough habit to break. Tomorrow I'm making my favorite cake and taking it with a gallon of frozen yogurt and Fool's Gold to my friend's house to celebrate her birthday. Hopefully we don't eat the entire cake--yes it's that good. I'll post the recipe because you should all try it!

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