January 28, 2008

Breckenridge Birthday Surprise

December 25th--Christmas. January 26th--Marc's birthday. February 14th--Valentine's Day. March 1st--Anniversary. Quite frankly, this timeline exhausts and overwhelms me every year and after buying Marc's Christmas gifts I'm usually fresh out of ideas. Of course, I could always do the clothing thing, but if you know Marc you know he is nothing like me--he doesn't want to buy new clothes--plus he works so hard for our family I think he deserves special treatment and for him, special treatment definitely does not equal clothes. Well, thanks to my friend Bobbi, who is all-knowing when it comes to Colorado Family Fun and has fresh and innovative dating ideas, I have a few tricks up my sleeve this year and one of those tricks was "The Breckenridge Birthday Surprise." Last Wednesday I began giving him small gifts as clues. The first one--two travel hot chocolate mugs. Thursday he received a double snow tube. Friday he opened the car plug-in accessory to his iPod at which point I told him Saturday's itinerary:

8:00 am--Leave the house

8:45 am--Meet my parents at the Donut Mill in Woodland Park for breakfast (they have excellent donuts and cinnamon rolls the size of my head!)

11:00 am--Arrive in Breckenridge for the Annual Snow Sculpture Competition--view sculptures

12:30 pm--Have lunch (we were supposed to eat at Downstairs at Eric's but because of the long wait and the kids' empty tummies we opted for Fatty's Pizzeria and it turned into one big disaster. We won't be eating there next year!)

2:00 pm--Go sledding at Carter Park (this was the greatest part of the whole day. I didn't take my camera for this part because we don't have a teeny tiny digital that you can just stuff in your pocket, but all of us had fun going down the hills. Carter even got brave and went down the small hill and the big hill all by himself. I'm smiling just thinking about the fun we had.)

4:00 pm--Head on home (the kids zonked out the whole way home!)

While planning this big day, I had every intention of making it an annual event in our family. The day certainly did not disappoint so we will be heading to Breckenridge for the snow sculptures and the sledding next year and the next year and the next year. If you live here in Colorado or if you don't, come with us next year!


Colorado Smarts said...

I love these pictures...what a fun day! Maybe we will actually meet you next year. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marc!

Josh & Alex Barlow said...

Hey ditto on the gift thing... Marc and Josh have the same bday :) Hope you guys are doing well. We missed you at our little get together at Mindy's... one day we'll have a fun reunion! Love ya!