January 25, 2008

Have You Seen My Monkey Man?

(I know the song is actually called Have you seen the muffin man? but I adjusted it for my purposes.) I'm not used to this monkey stuff, even though I've heard it happens. Carter was never a climber until about a year ago, though his friends started much earlier than that--he has a friend who at a year old was climbing on top of his couch or his mom's kitchen table and then jumping off of whichever one he'd climbed on top of. That kid always had a goose egg on his forehead! But Carter, no, he was always a cautious child. His brother, on the other hand, not so much. These pictures were all taken in the last week. And that laundry in the third picture, it was folded and inside the basket before my monkey got to it! And if you can enlarge these pictures, you might see either a drop of drool dripping from his mouth or at the very least his lips glistening. My dear child is my Molar Teething Monster these days, too. It's always a good time at my zoo!

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