After mastering the potty, Carter has finally been able to start school. He was on the waiting list for the program that was highly recommended to me at the beginning of the summer but I had only hoped to start in January because one requirement was he needed to be potty trained. I didn't believe it would ever happen, even when about four weeks ago the teacher called to inform me of an opening. You better believe I became diligent in getting him to go after that and his reward became this--if you got potty you can go to school. Seriously, he woke up one morning and just decided it was time because for about three weeks he's done #2 in the potty every day no exceptions. I still have him wear pull ups when we're out, just because I don't know how capable he is of holding it in if we're no where near a potty, but for the most part he stays dry even then.
Last week was Carter's first day and of course, I pulled out the camera. His school is actually held at his teacher's house; he has about nine classmates and he goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30-1:30. They've talked about pumpkins, and fall time, and made stone soup (after reading the book). I think he likes it for th
e most part, though he remains my cautious little one, and I caught a glimpse of his intelligence the other day when I was early to pick him up and they were on a 'fall walk.' Miss Amy asked what color the leaves were on her neighbor's door wreath and after looking, Carter was the second to answer--"purple." They were a deep red that could have been mistaken for purple. There was only one other kid who was really paying attention enough to answer, all the other kids were just excited to be outside. I also heard him shout out "pumpkins" to another question she asked that I didn't hear. It was a proud mama moment for me and I teared up a little. In my defense though, I didn't cry when I dropped him off for the first day. He comes home with at least one project every day--one being a bird feeder, a piece of bread spread with PB and seeds, that we placed on our balcony ledge, but I think all the birds have flown south because it hasn't been touched.
Good work on getting the potty training done! It is definitely something that mom's should get a "gold star" for in addition to the potty trained child receiving a little something.
Ever since watching my sister-in-law potty train my niece, I have decided I think it is quite an accomplishment for mom....congrats!
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