October 05, 2007

Crisis Averted

Of course I didn't knock on wood after writing that last bit on potty training because I just cleaned up a wet accident!

This week our parking lot is in the process of being resurfaced. The last few days our portion of it has been coned off and we've been parking in any spare guest parking we can find. So yesterday, after picking Carter up from school I parked not too far from our place, by the club house where there weren't any signs posted as to when that part would be closed down. They hadn't even touched our structure yesterday so it should have been days before they coned off the area I parked in. But today, when I trucked the boys out to the car on our way to take a friend to a hair appointment, toy tote that I had removed from the car yesterday to swap out toys and clean them (I keep a bucket of toys in the car to entertain the kids), extra pair of shorts for Carter, bag, and Anderson in hand, the car wasn't where I had left it and there were those neon pink signs everywhere saying that if parked in that area this morning at 8:00, the car would be towed. I literally freaked out, which then threw Carter into freak out mode too. We were both practically hysterical when I finally dug my phone out and called Marc. He of course couldn't come bail me out, he has a large patient load today. So I found a worker near by to ask who was in charge so I could speak to him. He kindly walked me down the drive a ways to 'the boss' who didn't even look up from his work and therefore wasn't concentrating on me so he couldn't clearly tell me who I could call to find out where my car was. Right then, the nice worker mentioned that some of the cars had just been moved around the corner to the portion of the lot they had just finished yesterday and when I looked up I saw our car. Relieved I thanked him for his help and got the kids and myself calmed down a bit. We were a bit late picking our friend up but it was definitely a crisis averted. Regardless, you better believe someone will be getting an earful about the lack of 24 hour notice etc. etc.


Rohm Family said...

cute new title, Ugg I can't belive your car was towed, I felt sick to my stomach reading this, thank goodness it was close by. How did you get Carter potty trained so fast!!!! Maybe I started to early with Owen, he isn't three yet so I guess I can't compare him to Carter.

Timo said...

Diana! Yes, it's me, Becky (Meese). I can't believe you found me. Gotta love the blogging world. You look absolutely wonderful and I think your boys are so cute. How is your sister? We are loving our life out here in Boston. Let me know if you ever come out this way. Blog on! Blog on! I'll be listening.