October 05, 2007

Forget Alex

The lions are definitely not the stars of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! It's all about Melman! As far as zoos go, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is a little bit lame and definitely small due to funding; it isn't funded by taxes like most other zoos, though that's as far as I got reading that plaque so I'm not sure where they get their money exactly. We took the boys a few weeks ago when Marc actually spent most of his designated day off (Tuesdays) off. If it weren't for the fantastic hands on giraffe exhibit it would have definitely been a disappointing day. Highlights included:

  • playing in the little playground where Carter was actually interested in playing with his brother.
  • getting a little closer to the animals than the LA zoo ever allows
  • watching the monkeys kiss
  • walking straight up hill most of the time pushing a stroller
  • witnessing a fete almost worthy of a circus act--a giraffe picking his nose with his super long black tongue (I spent 10 minutes trying to get this captured on camera, but to no avail)
  • Carter being so afraid to touch the giraffe, he's clutched to Marc's shirt (see picture)
  • Anderson showing up Carter in the same task
  • Carter eating wood just like the giraffe (see picture)

Yes, the zoo was small and lame, but the giraffes were great and over all it was fun to just spend time with Dad!

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