October 18, 2007

Destination Pumpkin Patch

Last week Carter had his first field trip ever--to Venetucci's Pumpkin Patch. We drove ourselves and met his classmates and friends from the morning class. It was quite an adventure to get there since we were all given wrong directions, but we found the place after a few minutes and a few prayers and when we arrived it turned out they weren't expecting us until two days later so we were almost denied the opportunity to go down to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin (not enough farm staff or something), but again things ended up turning out-- thank goodness. The kids wouldn't have known the difference really but I was glad he got to pick one because here's the unique pumpkin he chose. It's the first one he saw and he is certainly proud of it.


wackywilsons said...

Adorable pumpkin pics....I wish I could go and find one for myself to take pics of....I guess it is not too late. I think I am in a rut b/c I dont' want to try and make my apt a home b/c I don't like it at all!

I am glad you are feeling better from the bug, thank good ness you are not prego...if that is what you want...

I am thinking 6 more months for me until we do the baby thing again...I have my hands full enough for now with a 2 and 3 year old....

Rohm Family said...

I am so gald you are feeling better- uggg stomach sickness is right up their with morning sickness. Can I just tell you again Anderson has the most gorgeous eyes- he is going to be such a heartbreaker.

foreveryoung said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! What a fun field trip, I'm glad it all worked out. Have fun in Cali(how could you not??).

Misty said...

What a fun tradition!

I'm glad you are feeling better as well...I can't imagine being that sick and still being "mom"

Rebecca said...

I remember going to Venetucci's when I was younger! How long have you guys been back in CO?