October 29, 2007

This is what life is all about. . .

Carter was a littly mopey in California, and he's sometimes that way when we are home. He gets really sad and moody, but he won't tell me what's wrong. If we're in the car he'll just stare out the window. If we're in the store, he sits in the cart and just looks super sad. At home, he'll sit on the couch and just sit. It has had me worried for a while and I continue to second guess myself--Am I meeting his needs? Do I play with him enough? Is he getting stimulated enough? I got so worried about it during one of his episodes in California that I had to stop discussing it with my friend who was with us and began to cry. It really does make me feel like a bad mom, like somehow it's my fault, but at the same time, I tell myself, this is not about me and worry that he is depressed (does this happen to 3 year olds?) or has anxiety. All things on my mind.

Also, while in California, Carter and I ended up sharing a bed and many of the nights we went to bed at the same time which offered up a great opportunity to just talk with him and have some Mommy-Carter time. One of the nights (after the situation mentioned above) we were holding hands and talking about his favorite things that day. This is the end of the conversation:

Me: I love you, Carter
Carter: I am happy
Me: Why?
Carter: Because you love me

Are you crying yet? I am and I do everytime I think of this special moment. These moments are exactly what life is all about.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Yes, I cried! It is moments like that one that have made me always want to be a mom. What a sweet little boy and what an inspired comment. You must be a wonderful mom.... (not that I would have ever imagined anything otherwise)