October 05, 2007

Finally. . .

Anderson's birthday was almost one month ago and I'm finally getting around to uploading the pictures to our computer. We had a small party with my mom and dad and two families that we love hanging out with. Afterwards, Marc and I agreed that we are anxiously anticipating buying a house so we'll have room to throw a party and invite everyone we love here. Two things to note in the pictures:

1. For all my friends in California who keep having boys--all my friends out here have girls. Don't worry, our boys will have wives someday!

2. Ignore my hideous lace curtains--they were here when we got here and there is a covenant in our community that says all curtains seen from outside must be white. Apparently no one knows where to get some decent white curtains because there are lots of lace curtains to be seen around here. Yuck!

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

Happy birthday, Anderson, what a fun party! I'm really diggin those lace curtains :)