September 28, 2007

Last night was a rough night--Carter came in bed with us at about 1:00. Then we heard Anderson crying at about 1:30 off and on. We usually let him comfort himself and go back to sleep but if he doesn't go back to sleep right away, we check on him. Or should I say I make Marc check on him? That's our deal--I get days, very long days, and he gets the occasional night waking. So I heard him call me when he went to check and I jumped up and ran to the boys room where there was this awful stench but before that registered Marc said one word--diarrhea. We assume the smell woke Carter up and sent him to our room. I changed the sheets, Marc got Anderson all changed with a sippy and put him back to bed. He then cried off and on for another hour to which I finally woke up to get him again and got a little upset with Marc because I had to remind him of our deal. Apparently he had remembered, he was just letting him cry because he didn't know what else to do. Then, because Marc was sleeping on the couch (he ate left over cheap Chinese that his boss sent home with him and he was stinking up the bed with garlic smell so right around the time Carter came in I told him I couldn't smell him anymore) I had to wake him up to the alarm twice this morning, I was a little more annoyed. The boys are still sleeping (it's 8:00 and that's rare!) and I've woken up still slightly annoyed. But, I found this on a blog and things like this always remind me why I love my hubby so much so I'm doing it!

My husband...

What is his name? Marc David Phillips

How long have you been together? August 2001 officially, unofficially April 1999--two year break for an LDS mission to Brazil but we wrote frequently and though I didn't wait, he was better than anyone else I thought I liked during that time.

How old is he? 27 1/2

Who eats more? Hmmm. I think he does but we rarely eat together anymore so I'm not sure.

Who said I love you first? He did. I wasn't brave enough--I didn't want to be crushed. We've compared, though. I felt it first.

Who is taller? Marc, he's the perfect height because my head fits right under his chin

Who sings better? My sweetie is tone deaf so I do, but I'm not great by any means.

Who is smarter? Definitely him. He's a genius in my mind.

Whose temper is worse? Definitely mine. But I do like to think I've mellowed out a bit and like Dr. Phil might say I've learned how to fight fair.

Who does the laundry? I do.

Who does the dishes? I do. Honey, I'm just being honest, you do forget to start the dishes at night and unload in the morning.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.

Who pays the bills? We share, last night I wrote the checks for utilities and rent (ugg, I hate that word!) Most bills get withdrawn automatically.

Who mows the lawn? We still have no lawn to own.

Who cooks dinner? I do.

Who drives when you are together? He does, though sometimes we argue because I don't think he's careful enough all the time. Then he tells me I should drive, then I say no and we drop it.

Who is more stubborn? We both are very stubborn.

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Don't husbands know wives are never wrong? It depends on our moods but we both have been known to admit it.

Whose parents do you see the most? Mine now, we live 15 minutes away from them.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first, again I didn't want to be crushed by denial. He claims the first time we kissed I missed all of his hints. I don't remember any hints!

Who asked who out? We are of the growing generation of "hanging out." But come to think of it, I believe our first hang out was me tagging along with his roommate and friends because I had a crush. I asked him on our first official date to a dorm dance but by the time the dance rolled around--like a week and a half later he was already acting weird because he thought I wanted a more serious relationship than I did. Boys are so weird! It was a night of mixed signals for sure.

Who proposed? Marc

Who is more sensitive? Me, of course

Who has more friends? Does he have time for friends? Definitely me. I'll bet men get so lonely!

Who has more siblings? We both have 4 siblings.

Who wears the pants in the family? Since Marc always wears shorts, I have to wear the pants-HA HA HA (Marc thought it would be funny if I changed my answer)
I chose the "daddy picture" because I couldn't ask for a better dad for our children. He is the best.


Andrea said...

I really liked this Diana. Marc sounds great...even if he does have stinky breath from Chinese (which I can't take). When we eat Thai food Nate's breath smells no matter how many times he brushes--yuck!

foreveryoung said...

What a rough night! I hope Anderson's feeling better, poor kid (and poor you!). That was fun to read more about your honey, you guys are great together! BTW, was it the infamous "Buddy Ball" that you guys went to?

wackywilsons said...

hi girl

i had been off of the blog world, so it was good to catch up with you! I enjoyed those thoughts about Marc and I want to do the same thing about Jared...even though he never even reads my blogs! Consider yourself blessed though b-c i can count on my hand the number of times Jared has gotten up with our boys at night...I only wish I had trained him earlier on to get up with them!

I also enjoyed your tag!

Colorado Smarts said...

Sorry about the rough night. We did the same thing with Logan last Wednesday and now his sleep schedule is back to no sleep schedule! You are Marc are lucky to have each other! Remember, I saw it happening from the beginning!

Rohm Family said...

That is so funny about marc sleeping on the couch b/c he had bad breath- love it :)