August 12, 2007

Catch 22

Does anyone else feel this way? You look in the mirror in the morning, then take a closer look and think, Is this really my face? I just turned 27--I know, it's really not that old--but deep inside I'm starting to panic because my face is already changing. At a glance you wouldn't notice, but of course I do because it's my face we're talking about. I have a few broken capillaries and another blemish that is like a small simple bump with a gray mark way beneath the surface. I'm not sure what it is but every time I look in the mirror I think, What the heck is that thing? and it bugs me. Let's not even mention those fine lines that are creeping in on my forehead and between my eyebrows--frown lines that many of my mom's sisters have. I'd like to be able to say that at 27 I haven't even given a thought to cosmetic procedures, but I have and I'm not opposed to them and yes I've thought about botox already. YIKES! I just don't want my body to get old which is totally a catch 22 in my book because I don't want to be young either. My "being too young" age insecurity stems from years back when I was 19 and these two guys I hung around began calling me "fetus" because they thought I was just a spring chicken compared to their 21 years. (Don't miss the sarcasm in my writing there please!) I don't like being thought of as young because that connotes inexperienced and immature, two things I don't want to be! Where does that leave me? I don't want to be young or old, but is middle aged any better? Probably not because mid life crisis is a well used phrase in our language.


wackywilsons said...

Well, being a year older than you (as of last week), I can definitely agree with you about it all! Good to read your honest thoughts and know that I am there with you girl! When did those fine lines on our brow begin to show up? Is it from squinting, yelling at kids, or putting on make up? Who knows?

All I know is that we better be hot babes at age 45...

Front Porch Society said...
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