August 14, 2007

Anderson is 11 months!

At 11 months here are Anderson's stats:

  • approx. 25 pounds

  • approx. 30 inches

  • crawls & cruises fast

  • has 2 bottom teeth and 3 tops--almost 4

  • feeds himself every meal except yogurt and oatmeal and has an insatiable appetite

  • is 2 or 3 feedings away from being completely weened (I'm doing a feeding every other day or so to ease off for my sake!!)

  • drinks milk, water, and juice from a sippy (Carter is always sure he knows which sippy is his--we don't share sippys or blankets in our house)

  • says mama, dada, & baba but doesn't associate these with anything yet

  • makes the monkey sound and fish sound (smacking lips) but again without association

  • continues to be a terrible errand runner and traveler

  • threatens to be a bit more demanding than his older brother he already cries hysterically if he doesn't get what he wants. Is that suppose to happen yet!?!?

I am so infatuated with him and he continues to be the most kissable little boy with his perfectly chubby cheeks and pouty bottom lip. We're excited to celebrate his birthday next month.


Marlo said...

Diana -
your kids are super cute!!! I know, it took me forever to comment, but of course you can read my blog! I told Darrick about it as well. I was thinking about you the other day because my bracelet you brought me back from China finally broke. Yes, 6 years later. Anyway, love your blog and I wish Rory and Jess had worked out as well. Yes, every day at 5 pm - and sometimes at 11 am - I am watching.

Beth schell said...

Congrats..... He sounds like a fun kid! It was fun to read the stats and compare him to my daughter who is 8 months now. .. I hope you don't mind my reading your blog, eventhough we've actually only met once.

foreveryoung said...

He is such a cutie and I love getting to know him through the blog. btw, in reference to your last post--you look great! :) I just hit 27 too and it's the first b-day that I have begun to feel depressed about...

Rohm Family said...

yeah I am back :) It was so fun reading your last 4 or 5 blogs that I have missed, I can't believe Anderson is turning 1! Wasn't he only like 4 months when you guys visited- time just flew by!! I know all about the face changing thing- it's weird, my sis says as soon as you turn 30 things start changing faster- I have 2 years left of being young'ish'- sigh