August 12, 2007

Mixed With Love

Today is my mom's birthday. Yesterday we planned a family dinner for her and I was in charge of the cake. There is one cake my mom used to make when I was younger that was so moist and rich and delicious it did not require frosting and that is the cake I decided to make--a chocolate zucchini cake--YUM. Carter wanted to help. He unwrapped the chocolate squares and put them in the bowl for me to melt. He cracked the eggs with a knife and helped me put them in a bowl. (This is a new task Grandma Phillips taught him when we were in Idaho) After I measured each of the ingredients he dumped them in the bowls and he held my wrist as I mixed it all with our hand held mixer. It was the sweetest moment when, after turning off the mixer, his small hand still grasping my wrist, he looked at me and said, "Mom, I wuv you." (I love you). It's the second time he has said that to me out of the blue this week and it melts my heart each time because it is always so unexpected. After all the electric mixing was done we had to fold in the zucchini which both concerned and disgusted him because with a furrowed brow and a scrunched nose he told me not to put the grass in the cake. I guess grated zucchini does look a bit like grass. He was such a great cake maker and he was so excited to give his gift, mixed with love, to grandma for her birthday. When it came time to sing happy birthday and blow out the candles he got so excited he couldn't even keep his tongue in his mouth (Look closely at the picture.) and he helped with blowing out the candles. Carter is learning very quickly to love birthdays (burpbays as he calls them)--his and everyone elses too.

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